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Pendants: Everything from History, Types, and Styles

Pendants: Everything from History, Types, and Styles

Types of Pendants: Everything from History and Styling

Pendants have always held a special place in jewellery collections, transcending time and trends with their unique charm and versatility. Whether you’re looking for a simple piece to wear daily or a statement pendant for a special occasion, the right pendant can elevate any outfit and hold significant personal meaning. This guide will explore the rich history of pendants, the various styles available, and offer practical advice on choosing and styling the perfect pendant.

In this detailed article, you’ll learn about the different types of pendants, how to select one that complements your style and occasion, and the craftsmanship involved in creating these beautiful pieces. We’ll also showcase some custom-made pendants from our collection at Gillian’s Jewellery and share customer stories to inspire your next jewellery purchase. Let’s delve into the enchanting world of pendants and discover what makes them a timeless accessory.

Key Concepts

  • Brief History and Significance of Pendants: Overview of ancient origins, cultural importance, and modern appeal.

  • Types of Pendants: Classic, personalised, gemstone, and themed pendants.

  • How to Choose the Perfect Pendant: Considerations for the occasion, outfit matching, personal style, and budget.

  • Pendant Materials and Craftsmanship: Information on metals, craftsmanship, and maintenance tips.

  • Custom Pendant Design: Process, design inspiration, and customer stories.

  • Showcase of Custom-Made Pendants: Unique creations, design journey, customer satisfaction, and examples.

  • Styling Tips for Pendants: Layering necklaces, occasion-based styling, and mixing and matching.

  • Our Recent Work For Customers: Key pieces, unique designs, and customer favourites.

Brief History and Significance of Pendants

Ancient Origins

Pendants have been a part of human adornment for thousands of years. In ancient times, people wore pendants made from natural materials such as shells, stones, and bones. These early pendants often served as talismans, believed to protect the wearer from harm or bring good luck. Archaeological findings reveal that pendants were worn by various ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, each imbuing their pendants with symbolic meanings and craftsmanship reflective of their culture.

Cultural Significance

Across different cultures, pendants have held significant symbolic meanings. For example, in Ancient Egypt, scarab beetle pendants were worn for protection and regeneration. In medieval Europe, religious pendants such as crosses and medallions featuring saints were common, reflecting the wearer’s faith and devotion. Today, pendants continue to serve as symbols of personal beliefs, achievements, and milestones, making them cherished pieces in any jewellery collection.

Modern Appeal

Despite changes in fashion trends, pendants have retained their popularity due to their versatility and emotional significance. Modern pendants come in various styles, from minimalist designs to elaborate statement pieces, allowing individuals to express their unique personality and style. Pendants can also be easily customised, making them perfect for marking special occasions or creating a meaningful gift.

Types of Pendants

Classic Pendants

Classic pendants are timeless pieces that never go out of style. These include solitaire pendants featuring a single gemstone, often a diamond, suspended from a chain. Solitaire pendants are celebrated for their simplicity and elegance, making them suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions. Another classic style is the locket pendant, which can hold a small photo or memento, adding a personal touch to the piece.

Personalised Pendants

Personalised pendants offer a unique way to express your individuality. These can be engraved with names, initials, or special dates, creating a piece of jewellery that is truly one-of-a-kind. Personalised pendants also make thoughtful gifts, as they show that extra effort has been made to create something special. At Gillian’s Jewellery, we offer custom engraving services to help you create a pendant that tells your personal story.

Gemstone Pendants

Gemstone pendants add a splash of colour and sparkle to any outfit. Different gemstones carry different meanings and properties. For example, sapphires are associated with wisdom and serenity, while emeralds symbolise rebirth and love. Choosing a gemstone pendant allows you to select a piece that resonates with your personal style and the qualities you wish to embody. Our collection includes a variety of gemstone pendants, each meticulously crafted to showcase the beauty of the stone.

Themed Pendants

Themed pendants reflect specific interests or motifs. Nature-themed pendants, such as those featuring leaves, flowers, or animals, are popular for their organic beauty. Religious-themed pendants, like crosses or medallions, carry spiritual significance. These pendants allow wearers to display their passions and beliefs, making them deeply personal accessories.

How to Choose the Perfect Pendant

Consider the Occasion

When selecting a pendant, it’s important to consider the occasion. For everyday wear, choose a pendant that is simple and durable, such as a solitaire pendant or a small locket. For special events, opt for a more elaborate design with intricate details or vibrant gemstones that make a statement. Understanding the context in which you’ll wear the pendant will help you make a choice that suits your lifestyle and wardrobe.

Matching with Outfits

Pendants should complement your outfits, enhancing your overall look. For casual attire, a simple pendant on a delicate chain can add a touch of elegance without overwhelming your outfit. For formal occasions, a bold pendant with intricate designs or sparkling gemstones can serve as the focal point of your ensemble. Consider the neckline of your clothing as well; shorter chains work well with higher necklines, while longer chains are ideal for lower necklines.

Personal Style

Your personal style is a key factor in choosing the perfect pendant. If you prefer classic and timeless pieces, a solitaire or locket pendant might be ideal. For those with a modern and edgy style, consider geometric or abstract designs. If you love vintage-inspired jewellery, look for pendants with intricate detailing and antique finishes. At Gillian’s Jewellery, we offer a wide range of styles to suit every taste.

Budget Considerations

Pendants come in a wide range of prices, so it’s possible to find beautiful pieces that fit within your budget. When shopping for a pendant, consider the materials and craftsmanship involved. Precious metals like gold and platinum, as well as high-quality gemstones, will be more expensive but also more durable and valuable. It’s worth investing in a piece that you truly love and will wear often.

Pendant Materials and Craftsmanship


The metal used in a pendant significantly affects its appearance and durability. Gold is a popular choice, available in various shades such as yellow, white, and rose gold. Each has its unique charm, with yellow gold offering a classic look, white gold providing a modern touch, and rose gold adding a romantic feel. Silver is another popular choice, known for its affordability and versatility. For those seeking luxury, platinum is an excellent option due to its durability and lustrous finish.


The artistry involved in creating a pendant cannot be overstated. Skilled jewellers carefully design and craft each piece, ensuring that every detail is perfect. This involves selecting the best materials, setting gemstones securely, and polishing the pendant to a high shine. The craftsmanship behind each pendant ensures that it is not only beautiful but also built to last, providing you with a piece of jewellery that can be treasured for years to come.

Maintenance Tips

To keep your pendant looking its best, regular maintenance is essential. Clean your pendant with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or oils that may have accumulated. For deeper cleaning, use a mild soap solution and a soft brush, taking care to avoid abrasive materials that could scratch the metal or gemstones. Store your pendant in a jewellery box or pouch to protect it from scratches and tarnishing. Regular professional cleanings can also help maintain its sparkle and durability.

Custom Pendant Design

Consultation Process

Creating a custom pendant at Gillian’s Jewellery is a collaborative and personalised experience. The process begins with a consultation, where you can share your ideas and inspirations with our expert jewellers. We’ll guide you through the design options, helping you select the materials, gemstones, and style that best reflect your vision. This initial stage is crucial in ensuring that the final piece is a perfect representation of your unique taste.

Design Inspiration

Inspiration for custom pendants can come from various sources. You might have a specific idea in mind, such as a meaningful symbol or a particular gemstone. Alternatively, you might draw inspiration from existing designs, nature, art, or personal experiences. Our jewellers will work with you to refine these ideas, creating sketches and prototypes until the design is perfected.

Customer Stories

Many of our customers have cherished stories behind their custom pendants. For example, one customer designed a pendant incorporating birthstones representing each of their children, creating a piece that holds deep personal significance. Another customer commissioned a pendant featuring an intricate family crest, symbolising their heritage and family pride. These stories highlight the emotional value and uniqueness of custom pendants, making them treasured heirlooms.

Showcase of Custom-Made Pendants

Unique Creations

At Gillian’s Jewellery, we take pride in crafting unique custom pendants that reflect our customers’ individual styles and stories. One of our standout pieces is a pendant featuring an intricate tree design, symbolising growth and family roots. Another favourite is a heart-shaped pendant with a hidden compartment for a small photo, offering a modern twist on the traditional locket.

Design Journey

Each custom pendant undergoes a meticulous design journey from concept to creation. Our jewellers start by discussing your vision and creating detailed sketches. Once the design is approved, we select the finest materials and begin the crafting process. Throughout this journey, we keep you updated, ensuring that the final piece exceeds your expectations.

Customer Satisfaction

Our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority. Many have shared their joy and appreciation for their custom pendants, praising the attention to detail and personalised service they received. These testimonials are a testament to the care and craftsmanship we put into each piece, ensuring that every pendant is a unique and cherished creation.

Examples and Images

We invite you to explore some of our custom-made pendants through the images and descriptions below. Each piece tells a story, showcasing the diverse range of designs and the high level of craftsmanship that goes into creating these beautiful pendants.

Styling Tips for Pendants

Layering Necklaces

Layering necklaces is a popular trend that adds depth and interest to your look. Start with a base layer, such as a choker or short chain, and add longer necklaces with pendants. Mixing different lengths, styles, and metals can create a unique and personalised layered effect. Ensure that each pendant is visible and that the chains do not tangle, achieving a balanced and stylish look.

Occasion-Based Styling

Different occasions call for different styles of pendants. For a casual day out, choose a simple and understated pendant that adds a touch of elegance without being too flashy. For business settings, opt for a classic and sophisticated pendant that complements your professional attire. For formal events, a bold and eye-catching pendant can serve as the statement piece of your outfit. Tailoring your pendant choice to the occasion ensures you always look appropriately stylish.

Mixing and Matching

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different pendant styles and materials. Combining gold and silver can create a modern and eclectic look. Pairing a gemstone pendant with a plain metal one can add a pop of colour and interest. The key is to experiment and find combinations that reflect your personal style while maintaining a cohesive look.

Our Recent Custom Design Work For Customers

Jewellery Remodelling – From 2 Rings to “3” Pendants 

Gillians Jewellery - Rings to Pendant, Original Rings with multiple diamonds, Jewellery Designer, Jewellery Remodelling in Forest Hill Chase, Melbourne, Eastern SuburbsGillians Jewellery - Rings to Pendant, 3 in 1 Pendant Final Product, Jewellery Designer, Jewellery Remodelling in Forest Hill Chase, Melbourne, Eastern Suburbs

Sometimes when we think outside the box, we come up with something completely unexpected!  Here’s a recent project we completed for a customer who brought in two old and worn-out rings with multiple small diamonds of varying sizes. She wanted something different from rings, so we collaborated on the idea of creating a versatile 3-in-1 pendant. The design is simple yet elegant, allowing all her diamonds to be incorporated into a single piece. The best part is that the pendant can be worn in three different ways, offering flexibility and style.

For a more detailed explanation of the process, check out our video on Instagram!

Custom Designed and Handmade Pendants

Gillians Jewellery - Custom Jewellery Design, Jewellery Designer, Jewellery Remodelling in Forest Hill Chase, Melbourne, Eastern Suburbs

Here’s a family tree pendant that we recently custom designed and made from scratch for a new customer.  She loved both the pendant and the restored piece so much that we became good friends!

Our Thoughts

Pendants are a timeless accessory that can add elegance, personal significance, and style to any outfit. Whether you’re drawn to classic designs, personalised pieces, or vibrant gemstone pendants, there’s a perfect pendant waiting for you. At Gillian’s Jewellery, we are committed to helping you find or create the pendant that reflects your unique style and story. We invite you to explore our collection, book a consultation, or visit our store to discover the perfect pendant for you.

Pendants have a unique way of capturing moments and emotions, making them cherished pieces in any jewellery collection. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights and inspiration for choosing and styling your next pendant. Thank you for considering Gillian’s Jewellery for your pendant needs, and we look forward to helping you find a piece that you will treasure for years to come.


Gillian's Jewellery

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